Fiscal benefits

Fiscal benefits

Leiden International Film Festival has a Cultural ANBI status. As a partner or donor of LIFF you can enjoy the benefits of the Cultural ANBI status that LIFF has. This means that you can deduct your gift to LIFF in your income tax or corporate tax return, with an extra multiplier. So you can donate to us advantageously.

  • Private individuals may multiply a gift to a cultural ANBI by 1.25 in their income tax return and deduct it as a gift. So for example, if you make a gift of €100 to LIFF, you may deduct €125 in your income tax return.
  • Companies subject to corporate income tax may deduct 1.5 times the amount of such a gift in their corporate income tax return. So for example, if your company makes a gift of €1,000 to LIFF, you may deduct €1,500 on your corporate tax return.

Use our calculator to calculate your tax benefit. It is important to note that tax rules and deductibility of donations can vary per situation. Therefore, it is always wise to seek advice from a tax advisor or tax consultant to assess the specific rules and opportunities in your situation.

We greatly appreciate your support of LIFF and stand ready to provide you with further information or assistance in applying the gift deduction. If you would like more information on the various ways you can contribute to the festival, please contact Olaf Croon at
