Thursday 26 October from 19:00 to 20:15

Independent: Shorts Almost sold out


The Independent Shorts are films with the focus on life stories. They are about everyday things, unusual things, fights, discoveries, spring rolls, signatures and telephone services. They are filled with recognizable moments, as well as glimpses of lives that are very different from our own. As a whole, this selection paints a picture of a myriad of lives from all over the world. Prepare yourself to get lost in the labyrinth of life. 

  • Why Do We Sign – Rosella Fragoso
  • Spring Roll Dream – Mai Vu 
  • Please Hold the Line – Tan Ce Ding 
  • Our Males and Females – Ahmad Alyaseer 
  • The Artichoke Season – Orna Rottenberg 
  • Nothing, Except Everything – Wesley Wang 


75 min.

Spoken language

Spanish, English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, French




Lido 3

Films is also screened on:

Independent: Shorts Almost sold out
Saturday 4 November
11:15 - 12:30
Trianon 2
€12,00 (Standard ticket)


Each shorts program consists of a selection of short films. Because of their limited runtime, these films need to make an impact almost immediately, which means that every second counts and there is no room for superfluous tangents. The Independent program focuses on life stories; the Emerging program highlights previously untold stories; and the Extraordinary program is crazy about weirdness! 

All films from this program